Members of the Cornerstone Club for young Freemasons recently paid a visit to Edinburgh. The party comprised Bro David Crow, Bro Reiss, W.Bro Matthew Pyne and Bro Fraser Betts from St Laurence Lodge accompanied by Bro Ian Graham. Whilst there they attended an Installation meeting at Zetland Lodge No 391 where they were joined by the Essex Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Paul Reeves. The brethren found the ceremony much different from English Freemasonry and thought it was fascinating.
They also took a tour of Rosslyn Chapel, their guide being the current Master of Rosslyn Chapel Lodge No 606 – RWM Geoff Spence. The Rosslyn Chapel Lodge used to meet in the building next door to the chapel but have recently moved down the road to a new building. 
Unlike English lodges, most Scottish lodges meet twice a month with a two month break during the summer. 
A few photos taken during the trip.