8AID Family Fun Day in Upminster

On the 22 June 2014 the Upminster Masonic Centre hosted a family fun day for 8AID.

(See the video at the bottom of the page)


The Chairman and Committee of Upminster Masonic Hall Ltd organised the event to raise funds for the 8AID charities chosen as this year’s Friends in Need.

8AID is the name given for the support to a collection of eight charities, which are:

Lifelites Children’s Charity
Helen Rollason Cancer Charity
Teddies for Loving Care
Essex Air Ambulance
Essex Provincial Charity Fund
Friends of Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court
Southend and Essex Masonic Welfare Trust
Hamilton Court Sheltered Housing Development

The day began with a sponsored walk for members, families and friends, which returned through the local country park and involved a gentle stroll on a beautiful summer’s morning. The walk, organised by W Bro Peter Allan of Upminster Hall Lodge, was a great start to the day and raised in the region of £1,800 which was clearly a significant amount towards the total raised during the Fun Day!

Two of the sponsored walk participants – Lenny Pyne and his father, Matt.

The grounds of the centre were filled with fun stalls, a bouncy castle, food and refreshment stalls and an ice cream van. From noon the bar was open for additional refreshment and the Upminster Hall Catering Staff served up various food including bacon rolls, sausages, hamburgers and paella.

A disco played at intervals throughout the day and a live band added to the atmosphere.

One of the lodge rooms was made available for visitors to have a look around and members were available to answer any questions.

The event resulted in £3,300 being raised for 8AID on the day with the current total now standing at over £10,000 with further pledged donations still to come.

A number of books were displayed inside the centre and one of the authors, Professor Charles Lawrence was available to answer questions.


Many people were involved in the event, without whom the day would not have been such a success, but especial thanks must go to the Upminster Hall Management and  Upminster Charity Committee for their hard work and commitment in organising such a great day.

8AIDBackstage workers. Note the hat!

A slideshow of photos capturing the day with happy music!