Bro. Dane was initiated into Freemasonry and St Laurence Lodge while our photographer was on holiday. However, one photograph was taken of our Master receiving the ‘Travelling Gavel’ from W Bro Steve Yates and presenting him with a cheque for 8AID (shown below). Also shown to the right of our Master is W Bro John Davies PSGD APGM and to the left of Steve, W Bro Russell Segal.
A specially invited guest team from Sigebert and Upminster Hall Lodges carried out the actual initiation assisted by our Brother Kevin who delivered a marvellous performance as Junior Deacon. Bro. Reiss gave a lovely address on the white apron (as was delivered by Reiss’s uncle to him a year ago), Bro. David Tait delivered the charge after initiation, another Bro. David explained the working tools and Brothers John, Michael and Anthony gave explanations of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth – the three grand principles on which the Order is founded. A Grand Lodge Certificate was also presented to Bro. Ade by W. Bro. John Davies in a delightfully relaxed and informative manner. A feast of excellent ritual.