A good day for St Laurence!
Bulphan Lodge No 8230 again kindly offered to carry out a ceremony for us and so on the 14th November 2019, eight St Laurence brethren travelled to Orsett Masonic Hall where Bulphan raised our Brother James.
The ceremony was carried out by their Immediate Past Master, W Bro David, the Traditional History delivered by the Treasurer, W Bro Alan and the Working Tools explained by the Worshipful Master, W Bro Michael, all in a splendid manner. Our own Len West delivered the Walking Charge which resulted in appreciative applause from the brethren.
After the meeting the brethren enjoyed a few drinks, a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, a number of gracious toasts and pleasant company.
And the icing on the cake? Several St Laurence brethren won prizes during the raffle!