On the 14th January 2017, Bro David Tait became the Master of the Lodge.

A total of 56 brethren attended the meeting which was opened by W Bro Peter Wilks who also conducted the first part of the Installation Ceremony. W Bro Ken Cownden took over for the Inner Working, assisted by Officers of the Lodge and three conscripts who explained the Working Tools of an Installed Master.

It was a full meeting with the presentation of Grand Lodge Certificates to two brethren, cheques totalling £1,400 to the West Essex Hospice Appeal (WEHA) and as well as the usual reports from the Almoner and Charity Steward, we had a short talk on Masonic Education. 

W Bro Alan Everard PSGD PAPGM presented the lodge with a Silver Champion Award for the Lodge’s donations to the WEHA and W Bro Ken Cownden received a Gold Champion Award for his personal contributions.

At the festive board, brethren enjoyed a Burn’s style meal, complete with a Highland Piper and an excellent address to the haggis by W Bro Jim Walker of the Fellowship and Unity Lodge No 8680.

The Master’s song was delivered by a choir of St Laurence Brethren, our Tyler and the Secretary of Engayne Lodge No 6831, our sister lodge. It received a very favourable reception with brotherly comments such as “Rubbish” and “Get Off”. One brother especially enjoyed the singing as can be seen below.

A few more photos taken on the day.