29th January
After the snow forced the normal installation meeting to be postponed, our Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Cliff Phillips, installed Bro. Ed Fehler into the Chair of King Solomon on a Friday later in the month.

13th March – The Glorious 75th Anniversary
The initiation of a candidate and the return of W. Bro. Lawrie Morrisson together with 80 members and guests including our APGM, W. Bro. Ken Birnie and his predecessor, W. Bro. Victor Souster. The long closing by W. Bro. Len West and after dinner entertainment from Charles Court Opera.
9th October – Not only …
Back to the old days! A totally interactive entertainment, written by W. Bro. David West, led by Past Masters of the Lodge and with all the members taking part.
… but also
The St Laurence Masonic Quiz
Led by W. Bro. Derek Tatters, the Captain of the victorious St Laurence team, winners of the now famous Upminster Quiz Cup.
23rd October
St Laurence Goes Latin at Stockbrook Manor.
Excellent menu, a harpist during dinner and a Samba percussion cabaret. Ladies were invited to adopt a Latin theme and the event raised £2,000 for charity, divided equally between Essex Festival 2011 and Leukaemia Research. See the programme of events here.
13th November
Second degree by the Worshipful Master with the Long Working tools by W. Bro. Leslie Berry and the explanation of the Tracing Board by another Past Master.
The Lodge led in song at the festive board by the wonderful Karen Richmond (soprano). Festive menu – with brandy butter!
27th November
A tour of ‘The Big House’
A group of brethren, wives and partners met on a freezing November morning at Freemasons’ Hall and warmed up with coffee before taking part in an impressive tour of the Grand Temple, Library and Museum.
Highly recommended to anyone (including non – masons).