A special masonic meeting was held on the 18th May 2013, having obtained dispensation from the RW Provincial Grand Master of Essex to do so, to initiate another fine candidate.
Once the lodge had been opened and the dispensation read, the regular officers of the lodge were replaced by a special team of visiting brethren and the Master’s chair occupied by one of our Honorary Members, W. Bro. John Helliar PSGD, PAPGM.
The ceremony was conducted in a most excellent fashion with outstanding performances by all the brethren involved. The explanation of the working tools, charge after initiation, explanation of the tracing board and a short lecture on the white apron were all carried out and delivered in a most enjoyable and informative manner.
After the meeting at the festive board, the brethren enjoyed fine fare and companionship, were entertained by Renee and Gerry of the Big River Band and finally departed in perfect harmony. Happy to meet, sorry to part and happy to meet again.
Below are a few photographs taken after the meeting to commemorate the day.