Chafford Lodge Meeting

“From our roving reporter”
Membership of the same gymnasium, enabled St Laurence Lodge No 5511 and Chafford Lodge No 5510 to share a meeting. The two lodges were consecrated almost at the same time in 1935 and indeed letters from the Grand Secretary, which mention both lodges, have been found in the Grand Lodge Library. However, it was not until a St Laurence brother met a Chafford brother (pictured), while both were becoming FTAs*, that the two lodges got together. On Thursday 15 May, the Chafford Lodge passed one of our brethren to the second degree in a very happy occasion. Our Master acted as Junior Deacon for the occasion and our Treasurer gave the long explanation of the working tools but the major part of the ceremony was handled superbly by Chafford members, including a wonderful explanation of the tracing board and the little heard second degree charge. It was an event worthy of repetition!
* FTAs – finely tuned athletes