Sion Lodge No 9314 welcomed brethren from St Laurence to their meeting on the 17th December at Upminster.
Sion Lodge passed our Bro Dane to the degree of a Fellowcraft Freemason, ably assisted by two St Laurence Brethren. W Bro Peter Wilks acted as Inner Guard and gave the Charge after Passing and W Bro Matt Pyne gave the long explanation of the Working Tools. The ceremony was carried out in a superb manner by all the officers of Sion Lodge and the meeting was hailed as a huge success. Twelve members of St Laurence attended the meeting, which they enjoyed immensely.
Brethren later dined in perfect harmony at the festive board, enjoying the company of friends, old and new and the convivial atmosphere. There was a Christmas theme complete with Christmas Fayre, crackers and the boisterous singing of Carols!