St Cedd Lodge No 6519 meets at the Upminster Masonic Hall in Deyncourt Gardens, Upminster, Essex.
One of our members, W Bro Ken Cownden, who is also a member of St Cedd Lodge, invited a couple of us to attend the Installation Meeting at St Cedd on the 22nd November 2014. The newly installed Master of the lodge was W Bro Alan Everard PSGD, PAPGM, a Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master in the Province of Essex.
Bro Alan has been a Freemason for over 30 years, is an active member of a number of lodges and has now been installed in the Chair of King Solomon seven times! He is also the Chairman of the West Essex Hospice Appeal, which offers continued and lasting support to the hospice movement in West Essex.
The meeting was superb and extremely well attended, in testimony to the high regard in which the new Master was held. A number of Assistant and Past Assistant Provincial Grand Masters were also present, two of whom took part in the ceremony by delivering the addresses to the Master and the Brethren. All the Officers of St Cedd performed their duties in a most excellent and proficient manner so that the ceremony and other work in the lodge flowed as it should to the enjoyment of the brethren. A charitable collection was taken and the lodge was then closed in perfect harmony until their next meeting.
After the meeting the brethren retired to the festive board and enjoyed a good meal, a glass of wine and the company of their brethren. The toasts were most enjoyable, the raffle raised several hundred pounds for charity and the Master’s Song was a joy to hear.
The next meeting of St Cedd Lodge will be held on the 24th January 2015 and the following festive board will have a Burn’s Night theme.
A few photographs as a record of the day (click on the first thumbnail to enter the slideshow).