Ingrebourne Chapter Convocation – 18th April 2015

St Laurence Lodge is associated with Ingrebourne Chapter  No 3345.

As St Laurence doesn’t have it’s own chapter, many of its members belong to Ingrebourne.

On the 18th April, another two St Laurence members were exalted into the chapter and there was also a presentation of a certificate to one of the companions to acknowledge his being a member of the Royal Arch for 60 years. As was pointed out during the presentation by the Second Provincial Grand Principal, Excellent Companion Frank Sharp PGStB, it was a very rare occurrence. While there are comparatively many more 50 and 60 year certificates issued in the Craft, there are very few such documents presented in private chapters. This is because no one can become a member of the Royal Arch until they have been a Master Mason for at least 4 weeks and indeed, in older times, one could not join a chapter until having been through the chair.

Below is a photo of the occasion which shows Excellent Companion Vernon being presented with the certificate by Frank Sharp. With them are the three Principals with Excellent Companion Cliff Phillips (a Past Master of St Laurence) on the left.

Ingrebourne Chapter