On the 9th January 2016, the Mastership of the lodge passed to W. Bro. Peter Wilks.
It was a wonderful meeting with 52 brethren present. Donations were made to various charities including Lifelites and the West Essex Hospice Appeal; and cheques totaling £4,520 were accepted by W Bros Alan Everard PSGD PAPGM, Ken Birnie PSGD PAPGM and Chas Barrand PPGSwdB on their behalf.
At the Festive Board the Installing Master, W. Bro. Len West and the new Master shared some malt whisky kindly given to the lodge by W Bro Stuart Davie, the uncle of our Bro. Reiss, in 2013. Bro Stuart is a Past Master of the No 1 Ter Lodge of Aberdeen and also presented the lodge with a quaich which was used during the toast.
The Master’s Song was delivered by a choir recruited from our own lodge and the many guests present who were press ganged, I mean who volunteered to take part. The end of the song was received with great acclaim and relief that it had finally finished.
A few photographs taken after the meeting and at the festive board.
(Would the brother who invited the short, stocky Scot with ginger hair please own up!)