Way back in January 1963, Bro. Edgar Gover was installed as Master of the St Laurence Lodge, No. 5511. It was tragic that his son Robin had died at the age of seven, and Worshipful Brother Edgar, as he then became, decided to create a trust to be known as the Robin Trust. The funds that he put into this trust, and the additions that have been made since then, are used to provide a gift to each of our lodge widows at Christmas.
Bro. Edgar was a little hard of hearing and as many people do who suffer from this complaint, he tended to shout. When he was Senior Deacon and Bro. Charlie Claxton Junior Warden at the Lodge of Instruction, Bro. Edgar would display the Tracing Board and shout, “All right, Charlie?” This is a little ritual that our Senior Deacons still indulge in to this day.
Bro. Edgar was gathered to the Grand Lodge above a long while ago now, in 1977. Bro. Charlie preceded him four years earlier. It was wonderful therefore that in November 2014 we managed to buy back the Past Master’s jewel presented to W. Bro. Edgar Gover on the day he installed his successor, W. Bro. Ronnie Hill, into the chair of King Solomon.