Masonic links to other websites associated with St Laurence Lodge No 5511..
The United Grand Lodge of England
The governing body of Freemasonry in England, Wales and the Channel Islands. It currently has more than 200,000 members meeting in over 7,000 Lodges.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex
Our Province (one of 47 under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England).
Freemasonry Today
An official publication from the United Grand Lodge of England.
Lewis Masonic
A long established firm, founded in 1886, specializing in the publication of Masonic texts. Then called A Lewis, the focus of the company was exclusively on ritual books from Masonic Craft degrees through to the Masonic side orders.
Masonic links to individual lodge and chapter websites also associated with St Laurence Lodge No 5511.
Ingrebourne Chapter 3345 (our chapter)
Ingrebourne Lodge No 3345 (our mother lodge)
Abbots Hall Lodge No 6205 (our sister lodge)
Upminster Hall Lodge No 7573 (our daughter lodge).
Sibelius Lodge No 9448 (meets at Hutton Masonic Hall).
Le Touquet Loge No 89 (meets in Le Touquet, France).