Masonic Talks by W. Bro. Ken Cownden PPJGW, PZ

More masonic talks

Below you will find a selection of masonic talks for your lodge or chapter meetings.
They can be used to accommodate the time period required.
Just contact us to make a booking.


The Development of the Tracing Boards

An illustrated talk upon the development of the tracing boards from the time when the form of the Lodge was drawn upon the floor of the room in which the Temple was set, the floor cloths, the competition wherein the popular “Harris Boards” became prevalent and the usage and application of tracing boards over the years.
(approximately 30 minutes)


The Masonic Gunfighter of “El Paso” USA 

The brief but violent tale of Dallas Stoudenmire set in the Wild West of America, coupled with his likewise brief Masonic career. (approximately 10 minutes)


A Selection of Questions often thought of but rarely asked 

An audience participation piece covering many topics or facts in Freemasonry which you may have thought to inquire on, but have never done so, or had the opportunity; such as “why the dominance of the colour Blue in Freemasonry?” An interesting set of Questions and Answers, put to the floor to invite comment, but with answer sheets provided to Lodge members to read out accordingly. (approximately 20 Minutes)


Some Thoughts on the Construction of King Solomon’s Temple

Food for thought on the detail of the Temple and its workings, one of many perceptions, with illustrated hand outs. (approximately 10 minutes)


A Brief History of Freemasonry in Essex

Details from the earliest occasion of Freemasonry in Essex, The early Lodges and some of the important Masons and dates. (approximately 8 minutes)


Masonic Rituals – The Variation on a Theme

An interesting insight into the origin of the Rituals established and practised in England and Wales and variations within the same, with involvement of the Brethren. (app 25 mins)


The Quatuor Coronati

Where did the Name originate and what does this Lodge do? (app 10 mins)


Some interesting information on Freemasonry in France

You will not be excommunicated for listening Brethren! A brief talk on some of the differences in Ritual and Ceremony as conducted under the Grande Loge Nationale Française. (app 15 mins)


Back to Basics
Another interactive Talk taking the brethren back to their Interview, Preparation and Initiation and asking questions surrounding the Landmarks of Freemasonry, meanings and symbolism within the Ritual along with explanation of Offices, appointments, Ornaments and Furniture within the Lodge. (app 20 Mins)


Specially for White Table meetings

In the Temple talk on; What and who we are, what you can see and why we do it. 

A specially prepared talk aimed at Non Masons, family and friends visiting a Masonic Temple and seeing its Members in Masonic regalia and dress, detailing the Temple layout with facts, figures, humour and some extracts from our working. All aimed at enlightening, raising interest and understanding of our society and putting to rest many of the misconceptions and indeed fears of some within the popular world who are not Freemasons; and you may secure a Candidate!  (approximately 40 minutes)