Our working is closest to but not identical with, the 1908 edition of Taylor’s working although the rubric is rather different. While the 1908 version was close enough for us to use, given that the Preceptor was awake enough to spot those moments when our words deviated from that book, the 1908 edition is now obtainable only from antiquarian booksellers. Later editions of Taylor’s working have diverged further and further from what we do and ceased to be of any use to us some time ago and indeed have become a nuisance. Thus, a St Laurence Ritual Book was produced to preserve our heritage and traditions.
If you wish to view a PDF copy of this publication, please contact the Secretary of St Laurence Lodge. It can also be made available in Microsoft Word on a CD or by download from this site, subject to a charitable donation. Other Lodges may thus amend it to fit their own usages and publish their own ritual book for their members.