On the 11th March 2017, St Laurence carried out the initiation of another fine Candidate.
W Bro David Tait, the Master of the lodge was unable to be with us and so the Immediate Past Master, W Bro Peter Wilks, opened the lodge and conducted the lodge business in a most capable manner. The ceremony of initiation was carried out by W Bro Kevin Moore and he and all the officers performed to a very high standard indeed.
During the meeting a lecture on the White Apron was given by Bro Reiss and an address to an Entered Apprentice Freemason was delivered by Bro Anthony. The Working Tools were explained by Bro Walter and an explanation of the First Degree Tracing Board was given jointly by Bros Michael and Bro Walter.
From left to right, the visiting APGM, Bro Initiate and W Bro Peter Wilks
Officers of the Lodge with Bro Initiate
Bro Initiate with his Proposer Bro Walter