Two fine candidates were initiated at this ’emergency’ meeting of the Lodge during which many of our younger lay brethren were involved.
Brother Anthony questioned the candidates on their ability to give in the name of charity and was followed by Brother Michael W who gave an excellent explanation of the working tools of an Entered Apprentice Freemason. W Bro Cliff Phillips (not actually one of our younger members 😀 ) delivered a word perfect charge after initiation and Bros Walter and Michael S treated us to a marvellous explanation of the First Degree Tracing Board. Bro Anthony then returned to the floor and recited the Chaplain’s Lecture on the Initiation of a Freemason with confidence and style. Worthy of special note were our two deacons who coped admirably with the difficult task of managing the candidates at a double initiation but in fact, all our officers performed very well indeed. Clearly the hard work and practice at the Lodge of Instruction paid off, resulting in a most enjoyable meeting for our guests and members.
There followed a festive board with happy conversation and banter, at which, the Italian themed fare was to a high standard, a real credit to our caterer, Gary Mitchell.
A few photos.